A W A I T E D | amaryllis
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Awaited amaryllis in a ring of hyacinth sat in moss. Really like a big round pot for this and it does not have be one suited for it. I always just use what I love. |
Every year before Christmas I get amaryllis as a plant/bulb along with hyacinths. The smell of hyacinth and the amazing grace and beauty of amaryllis is an unbeatable combo. I usually get cut flower amaryllis as well, but seeing the whole powerful process from bulb to blooming flower in such a short time is nothing short of a miracle every time.
W R A P P I N G | time
Time to wrap the gifts.
This year as I went through all the papers I discard for not printing right from my home printer, I came up with the idea of using the still nice looking side of the normal print paper to wrap with.
The normal size printing paper does not work for large gift packages, but for small ones they are perfect.
Instead of throwing the papers out or keeping them in pile...as I have, for "later" use (that never happens...) I made Christmas wrapping out of them. Used our Christmas card front as the finishing touch. The wax seal makes it look a lot like Christmas to me.
Have a good gift wrapping Sunday.
P O S T | greetings
For me to get a letter the old fashioned snail mail way is a treat. Not so much the ones you know has to do with your bills, but the other kind.
The kind you see and get this good sense within just from spotting it. The envelope that speaks to you. I did not send X mas cards for many years, but I have started again. I don´t send hundreds. I send a few selected ones to friends and family that I want them to know I feel for them.
To make, write, seal and send off these is the start of the holiday feeling for me.
Since it is so easy to have your own cards made, I just made mine online inserting my own pictures. The window on the card is the old stable windows the first winter before we changed them. They looked so amazing as the winter cold crept in, but did not keep the cold out, so they had to go. But - thanks to these pictures that now came to be the X mas cards I will never forget them.
A D V E N T | suede sale
My suede adventure started at my parents with my mother whom many call Mocka Marianne. Mocka is Suede in Swedish.
My mother has designed and sold her own suede brand
Mocka of Sweden
since I was a kid, so from idea to reality in creating a small line of suede interior accessories, was not very far.
I had very good help with the start up and knew long before it was done what I wanted the design to look like.
Both pillows, runner and throw are things I use at home myself and like a lot.
So therefor it is easy for me to sell and talk about this amazingly beautiful and long lasting material.
You find more info about the suede series at the webshop found through www.jimmyschonning.com
Thank you for stopping by today. Hoping you will find a gift (or four) to yourself or your loved ones today.
We start at 00.00 the 13th of December, Advent&St Lucia, and end the half price at 00.00.
Just email your suede request and write ADVENT in the subject column to js@jimmyschonning.com
Happy Holidays and Merry X mas!
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Photo Peter Knutsson |
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Table runner |
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Pillow Nr 1&2 and throw |
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Suede cover nr 2 60x60 on the floor. |
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Nr 1 Suede pillow cover. Front&back suede. Hidden zipper. 40x40cm 870 sek * ADVENT price 435 sek |
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Nr 3 Suede throw 130x180 cm. See it spread in the pictures above, 3000 sek * ADVENT price 1500 sek |
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Nr 4 Suede Runner 50x130 cm, 940 sek * ADVENT price 470 sek |
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Nr 2 Suede pillow cover 60x60. Hidden zipper. Front&back suede, 1 100 sek * ADVENT price 550 sek |
Holiday season. December in Sweden is cold. Sometimes there is snow. Sometimes there is just darkness and rain in the southern parts where we live, whilst in the North there is usually enough snow for skiing this time of year.
Sun sets at 3.30 pm this season. St Lucia, the 13th of December is thought to be the longest night. The most darkness you can experience in our hoods. In historic times equal to mysterious happenings.
Your home is your sanctuary. To celebrate the light as you do for St Lucia the 13th of December is a joy.
To gather for four Advent Sundays at home is to get together and just enjoy food and drink indoors.
To love to be together. To enjoy the warmth and light. To get out of the winter darkness. To make the most of it.
All interiors photographed by my long time friend and superskilled photographer Per Magnus Persson and created by me.
3 | one two three four
On Sunday the 13 th, 3rd Advent we will have a suede gift bonanza to make x mas gifting easier. All 4 JS HEM suede items will be half of the normal prize for just one day.
WINNER | hannah jinkins
Hannah Jinkins won last night the
HM Design Award 2016 at the Royal Collage of Art in London. Last week I listened to Li Edelkoort in Copenhagen talking about the life style, interior and fashion trends of 2016 and workwear was one of the reccuring fashion promises of 2016. Here is Hannah Jinkins vision of FW 2016, and I just really love it. The circle of life and trends. This style will truly impact interiors as well as fashion&lifestyle.
HM Design Award 2016 at the Royal Collage of Art in London. Last week I listened to Li Edelkoort in Copenhagen talking about the life style, interior and fashion trends of 2016 and workwear was one of the reccuring fashion promises of 2016. Here is Hannah Jinkins vision of FW 2016, and I just really love it. The circle of life and trends. This style will truly impact interiors as well as fashion&lifestyle.
A D V E N T | suede special
Jimmy Schönning HEM firar andra advent med att erbjuda halva priset på äkta exklusiva mocka kuddfodral nr 1. 40x40cm 870 kr/ idag 435 kr och Nr 2. 60x60cm 1 100 kr/idag 550 kr maila idag till
skriv ADVENT i ämnesraden så sänder vi dina kuddfodral.
Mjukaste mocka i både fram och baksida. Dragkedja med mocka detalj.
Ha en riktigt skön och
lat andra advent.
Advent half price on our suede cushion covers
nr 1. 40x40cm 870 sek/
today 435 sek
Nr 2. 60x60cm 1 100 sek/
today 550 sek
free delivery within Sweden.
Email your order today to js@jimmyschonning.com and write ADVENT in the subject column. Naturally we ship to you.
lat andra advent.
Advent half price on our suede cushion covers
nr 1. 40x40cm 870 sek/
today 435 sek
Nr 2. 60x60cm 1 100 sek/
today 550 sek
free delivery within Sweden.
Email your order today to js@jimmyschonning.com and write ADVENT in the subject column. Naturally we ship to you.
Seasons greetings
A B | småland malmö
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Kläder, inredning och växter skapar med eko och redesign lifestyle konceptet Ab Småland |
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Allt är möblerat, sammansatt och inspirerar till inrednings njutning. |
In my search for a Eckhart Tolle book I ran down a rainy street in Malmö and instead of finding the bookstore I was looking for, found AB Småland. A lifestyle concept where the unexpected meets the traditional according the their own homepage. A place with old and new interiors along with clothes and plants. Lots of eco friendly solutions and meeting place, a café along with workshops held in this huge inviting cosy place. This is more inspiration than ONE place/store in Sweden has given me in a very long time.
Ni får inte missa Ab Småland i Malmö när ni kommer dit. Om ni bor i Malmö så grattis! Gå dit och få ert lystmäte i internationell-eko-smart-och -snygg-lokal-inrednings-och-lifestyle-stil.
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Old, new (borrowed?) and both green and blue. |
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Inspirational interiors |
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The forest bathroom just made me smile. Lovely! |
J E E P | green geo bedroom
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Reused logs became the four poster bed in the attic bedroom of our guesthouse Villa Hoby Mosse. |
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Rebelwalls offer this amazing map of your own home hoods. You have to check it out if you like this. Just love the geo map wall paper. |
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Jeep green soft washed and perfectly wrinkled linen from Kardelen. This is my color. LOVE! |
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The map shows an overlook over our neighborhood in a unique and beautiful way. So when ever discussing the area with our guests visiting we have the best way to show it all. I just really like the look of the map, it makes for such a unique and personalized kind of wall deco, Rebelwalls. Table lamp from Interstil. |
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The green area in the middle here is the nature reserve that borders to our house. Here you see our house marked out, if you know where to look :) |
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My friend Erik from Lövsjö loghouse made the bed from the good old logs from a loghouse that was torn down. This is a dream come true for me. When I first walked into this room I wanted this type of four poster rustic and over sized bed. Now its here! |
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My suede throw and large pillows go so well with the Jeep green linen from Kardelen. |
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The worn&wonderful logs that the bed is made from adds so much feeling to the room. |
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Pillows and sheets in Jeep green linen, Kardelen. |
L I G H T | the candles
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Photo www.pmpersson.com Time for weekend! When the darkness falls like it does in November in Sweden around 4 pm, then just light up all the candles. It makes the world of a difference. Life is really always about enjoying the little things. Have a wonderful weekend! /Jimmy |
Ä N T L I G E N | dåtid
Min kollega Björn "Snickarbjörn" Christiernsen som jag nu gör Husräddarna med på TV3 och som jag även arbetade med under mina år i Äntligen Hemma (ÄH) har berättat om varför han slutade på ÄH och varför han ansåg ÄH vara en osund arbetsplats. Se artikeln här.
Lulu Carter som precis som jag fick sparken från ÄH utan förklaring eller förvarning är av samma uppfatting som Björn och skriver på sin blogg. Bosse Rappne jobbar kvar på ÄH i mindre omfattning än tidigare, men har försökt att förändra attityden på arbetsplatsen utan framgång.
När jag själv fick det överumplande meningarna levererade från producenten över telefon 2011 då jag hälsades God Jul med avsked från ÄH när jag trodde vi skulle diskutera nästa års upplägg så skrev jag på bloggen : God Jul önskar Äntligen Hemma Jimmy
Gällande min tid på ÄH så håller jag med om att det var en osund arbetsplats.
– Det är viktigt att säga att det inte är TV4 vi pratar om. Det här handlar uteslutande om ”Äntligen hemma”. Redaktionen har en hierarkisk struktur som väldigt få arbetsplatser har och det är endast en person som egentligen tas till vara på.
Om det var en vanlig arbetsplats, inte ett tv-program, så hade någon behövt undersöka varför så många har fått avsked från redaktionen. Man skulle ta in nån managementkonsult och försöka hitta kärnan till problemen och då skulle man bli tvungen att koppla in psykjouren, för så allvarligt är det.
Dock har det inte alltid varit så.
När jag började jobba på ÄH så var producent och redaktör oerhört erfarna, kunniga och styrde detta stora skepp som Äntligen Hemma är med van hand.
Tyvärr så byttes de viktiga chefspositionerna aldeles för ofta och Producenter och Redaktörer kom och gick. När jag fick avsked var det Daniel Röös som var producent och det är han än. Nu är hans fru Karin Redaktör. Tillsammans med Martin Timell har de skrivit en bok.
Björn Christiernsen, Bosse Rappne, Lulu Carter och jag har alla talat om problemen i en artikel.
Problem med mobbing och utanförskap är lika vanliga på arbetsplatsen som i skolan skulle jag tro. Att inte känna att man räknas på jobbet gör att man tappar självförtroendet.
För mig var det min stora räddning att jag blev uppsagd. Konstigt men sant! Det trodde jag inte först, men att upptäcka återigen att jobbet jag får möjlighet att göra handlar ALLTID om teamwork som skall fungera som jag fick bekräftat i jobbet med min redaktion på Husräddarna/Jarowskij och för att det skall fungera måste alla räknas på arbetsplatsen. Komunikation är nyckeln till framgång på alla arbetsplatser.
I worked for over 5 years with a DIY show that ended abruptly for me with an unexpected discharge. Still do not know why. Co workers from this time, that now are not in the show anymore are discussing the problems of this work period in the media along with one who is still working.
So therefor my long Swedish text. All of it of no meaning at all if you have not seen the TV show that was...IS running still on Swedish tv. Now though with a fifth of the viewers compared to when we were working with it.
L O C A L | x-mas
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X | mas julstjärna/poinsettia All over Europe poinsettias are a part of Christmas. Enormous amounts of plants are bought. Buy local poinsettias like 'Ice Cryststal' julstjärna/poinsettia that is Swedish grown and sold news. Uppdatera dig genom Blomsterfrämjandet. Buy local flowers for X mas. |
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