
Glamping by Jimsch

Photo by Anette Floss

When Annika Wijkström at Studio Sankt Paul calls and says : Jimmy let's do something in the backyard for Fashion Week/Pressveckan I just say Yeah, let's go!

So we decided to go glamping in the backyard. The glamorous cousin to camping is so Jimsch and with the right type of tent from Friluftsvaror we nailed it. 

See how we started and what the tent looks like 3 floors up looking down in the middle of the city (scroll down)in the backyard at Kaptensgatan 6 at Östermalm.  

This is how cosy we can make it in a tent with all Jimsch + the gorgeous painting from Anette Floss. The 3 meter high center pole makes for a more luxurious feel & attractive atmosphere. 

Photo taken by Anette Floss who also painted the gorgeous painting that collected all the colors we love&need. 

This is how it started...

When you open the meter long tent bag from Friluftsvaror

This is what you see when you open up the bag... I thought: 
-OMG! I will never make this work....

When the tent was all folded out it meassures 6 meter in diameter. 

Bamboo and metall lanterns as well as carpets and all textiles from Jimsch that you now can shop online easily at Jimmy Schönning HOME

All new and still only a first sample is what this new mix of animals we first called Miss G. 

So many good name suggestions came from all the fine press&sales visitors. She is now named Miss G Octo Phant. 

She (Miss G Octo Phant)  is made out of wedlock so to speak. Interstil that has been the producer for Jimsch will not in the future be the only receiver of the design of Jimmy Schönning HEM that is the core of Jimsch. 

This whole Glamping production was created only with Jimmy Schönning HEM. No support from Interstil needed at all. We are firm believers in SoMe info & marketing and grounded and agreed that without a marketing plan no things will ever sell themselves for any brand how ever great they may be. 


Dice tea light holder next to a classic farm light that we love. Will look into designing our own version of this  clever beauty. 

All Jimsch combined with the painting of Anette Floss

This is what it looked like from above!

Glamping tent from www.friluftsvaror.se

I could so stay here! Thank you dear  magic gang of women that rule at Studio Sankt Paul and make this world better. See us on our Glamping by Jimsch tour 2019

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Studio Sankt Paul + more & me!


Black Elk Ghost Dance and and elephants I can´t forget

My friend Bengt Braskered said come with me and see Stina Folkebrants exhibit at Dieselverkstaden. 

So we did. We arrived at Dieselverkstaden, which is a very cool building to begin with. If you as me like the industrial type of interiors of a old factory this truly is a inspiring place.

Bengt introduced me to Stina, to whom I took a liking to at once. Stina explained how she read this book by an American Indian Chief called Black Elk Ghost Dance. 

The book and with it Stinas feeling started a movement that ended with her painting life-size  animals. 

Yes the elephants and the horses are all life size. All animals, and they are many, are all life-size.  

This is what Stina says about herself :

“Jag heter Stina Folkebrant och är född och uppvuxen i Borås. Jag har målat sen barnsben, arbetat som dekormålare på teatrar, gått konstskolor och målat väggmålningar på beställning. Det är först nu i år som jag börjat måla på duk och då väljer jag ett stort format där jag trivs allra bäst. Det passar mitt sätt att måla med större penseldrag där hela processen blir mer fysisk bland annat genom att jag måste klättra på stegar för att nå hela duken.
När jag var liten ville jag bli konstnär eller veterinär. Jag arbetade på Borås Djurpark under min tonårsperiod där jag både skötte om djuren och tecknade av dem.”


 As I said : and elephants I can´t forget. 

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