Halm i inredning 2019 är utställningen på Halmens Husjag kurerar
där jag fått glädjen att arbeta med lokala slöjdare och hantverkare. Tillsammans har vi designat nya ting i Halm i kombination med glas och andra överraskningar för nutidens hem.
Vi började fundera för 1 år sen & i Mars i år möttes slöjdare & hantverkare och jag på Halmens Hus för att inspirera varandra & skapa ny Halm design.
Den 8 juni kl.14 är vernissagen och utställningen på Majberget som ser ut
över forsen där Halmens Hus ligger och är öppen till Septembers början 🌾
För alla er som söker ny lya så har jag precis inrett en 2:a för Åke Sundvall med kök, v-rum, sovrum, bad&hall och därtill en härlig balkong.
I fina Fruängen hittar du Agnes Lagerstedts gata där detta bostadshus kommer stå klart för inflyttning till årskiftet. Skrivit om Agnes förut här om du vill läsa.
Jag ska förklara hur jag tänkt här nedanför på dessa nybyggda kvadratmeter och om du blir sugen på att se hur det ser ut nu när huset börjar bli klart är du välkommen på :
Gröna köksluckor och metallhandtag som du ser ovan ser du i köket för
2:an i Brf Agnes.
När 45 kvm är så här välritade och ger bra utrymmen så är det en perfekt lya för två vuxna.
Som köksbord har jag valt en riktig favorit. Saarinens Tulip table från 60 talet är så otroligt vackert i svart och ovalt som på grund av formen skänker bra plats till så många som möjligt utan att ta för mycket plats. Stolarna jag valt till är designade av Charlotte Perriand som arbetade tillsammans med storheter som Le Corbusier. Taklampan och den vita härliga ballongliknande vita bordslampan är designad av Achille & Pier Giacomo Castiglioni för Flos.
Hängstolen längst ner är tänkt till balkongen. Det svarta bordet på hjul är tänkt på tre ställen. Vid sängen, soffan och på balkongen under tak så platsar Punch bordet från Jimsch. Där har jag även tagit rottingstolen ifrån som står mitt emot soffan för att erbjuda en solitär mysplats att krypa upp med en bok eller paddan kanske.
Stationär TV har jag hoppat. Mest för att jag själv inte har någon TV utan ser på laptopen när jag vill kolla på något. TV på vägg som tar upp en massa kvm yta är så fult dessutom.
Lampe Grasär inte bara snygga armaturer utan även bra kvalitet. Denna vägglampa finns även som en utevariant. Att både ha denna vägglampa vid vägg vid soffa samt ute på balkongen hjälper uttrycket i hemmet att kännas mer genomtänkt.
Som soffa i V-rum så skulle jag köpa en bra säng av 90-120 cm bredd och sen låta sy upp eller sy själv ett överdrag som går nästan ner till golvet.
Försedd med en mängd 60x60cm kuddar bak och 40x40cm kuddar framför tillsammans med en pläd så får man både en supersoffa samt bästa gästsängen möjlig.
En matta kan förändra hela känslan i ditt rum. Denna vackra matta är ett konstverk av Maria Boström som jag dessutom skrivit om HÄR.
Mot vägen i V-rummet så erbjuder bordet arbetsplats eller vad man nu kan behöva. Stolen som inte tar någon stor plats som du ser i ljust trä till vä på bilden nedan är Giraffe av Lina Bo Bardi vars utställning jag just såg på MASP.
Precis vad man behöver som två vuxna tycker jag man får rum med i denna lya på 45 kvm i Brf Agnes på Agnes Lagerstedts gata i Fruängen.
Jag är verkligen sugen på mer bruna toner till mitt svartvita med gröna växter så blev så pepp när jag såg titeln på Li Edelkoortsnästa Tendensföreläsning som presenteras som Brown Age A/W 2020-21
Marcello to the right and me to the left. Behind us on Avenida Paulista with the significant red columns you see MASP : Museo de Arte de São Paulo that you can see the grand view o f on the bottom of the post. We will go to the Lina Bo Bardi exhibit. The architect that created MASP which exhibit is going on now at MASP. Stay in touch.
We´re in the gigantic melting pot of
São Paulo, Brasil
Here to meet with the leading actress and producer of a coming theatre production that Marcello & I will work with next year if
goes well.
Its our first all four
meeting after having a Whats
App type of communication
All four being the producer, director, leading actress
an me.
So we are keeping our
fingers crossed that
will go well so that Marcello will direct andI will do
the scenography
his Excellence
All the prints above is found on the facade and are created by of the store where the art outside has been changed 117 times since the opening 2009.
Marcello is a true Paulista.
He has lived in São Paulo for over 20 years. I have just been here once over 10 years ago to visit my friend Andre Matarazzo who is a true Paulista as well.
Get free travel tip around the world with Andre and GuiSee the great travel guide ofTwo Free Guysas both site and Instagram.
Mulheres no topo meaning WOMEN ON TOP. São Paulo is doing all to elevate women of Brasil where Rio de Janeiro needs separate subway cars to transport women due to sexual assault SP is providing a free zone and the subway does not have the same problem at all.
What not to miss in SP for me is the tree-lined street of Rua (street) Oscar Freire, streching from Alameda Casa Branca to Avenida Doutor Arnaldo in the Jardin Paulista district of SP that is divided into Jardin/Garden regions.
In the charming and San Fransisco feel style street you find everything from fantastic restaurants to all Euro brands like Armanito Brasilian brands like Osklenthat you need to remember because I will talk about again cause I really like what they do.
Can not but
all of the ways
that plants
are celebrated
and sold
in the
joyful way here in
São Paulo
Trianon Park conecting to Avenida Paulista does not only supply lungs to the enormous city of SP but offer current art
Hear and see Caetano Veloso sing about his São Paulo in "Fora da ordem" which means without order that is a great way of describing this enormous metropolis without boundaries and with so much creativity cooking in all art forms and cultures that its impossible to not get smitten.
Caetano Veloso sing about his São Paulo in "Fora da ordem" which means : without order.
The Brazilan duo of Irmãos (brothers in Portuguese) Campana designed for the iconic Brasilian brand Melissathat has a gallery type of shop of Rua Oscar Freire that keep changing the facade as well.
Right now it has this gold type
of building block look.
Will get back to this cool shop I promise!
The vertical green gardens are
almost as many as the
alternative ways of
getting about town.
São Paulo, Brasil
I leave you for now with a view over Parque Trianon (its not my drone, its free stock photo) leading all the way up to MASP that dominantl(X)Y supreme design landmark beyond all that opens this lovely totally marvelously MAD METROPOLIS (...might update this, so check in again if this is your idea of a interesting metropolis)
I see it standing on the cement platform surrounding the house. Its a a tatu. In the grass. On its side. An armadillo. A dead tatu. A dead armadillo on the side lawn.
An armadillo like the mockingbird is an animal you are happy to have around your garden. The mockingbird to fill the garden with beautiful bird song and the tatu to having fewer insects, spiders, ants and snakes around your house can be some of the perks of letting the
tatu live its night life letting it be part of the natural ecosystem.
Further more I think this nocturnal creature is so jurassic diva cute.
Ar ma dil lo (English)
T a t u (Brasilian Portuguese)
Any of variousomnivorousburrowingmammals of thefamilyDasypodidae,native to southernNorthAmericaandCentralandSouthAmericaandcharacterized by an armorlikecoveringconsisting of jointedbonyplates.
Apparent is that this armadillo met with one or more dogs that killed it.
The mark of the teeth of the dog that killed it is evident. Why did this or these dogs kill this tatu?
Clear is that in the past Tatu was hunted to be eaten. This Marcello thought was someting that happened in the past. Not anymore but..
The dogs that came running in the night and landed on our lawn and at the back of the Virkkilä home (where we are staying) at several times during the past two evenings long after the velvet darkness had fallen over Penedo shows that unlawful hunting on others private proverty is apparently a deadly activity that is still being excersized.
The two Pointer type of dogs that out of breath landed in the Virkkilä garden that sits on the more or less 90 degree angle start of the mountain right behind the house where the typical hunter type of dogs with marked leather collars and with a clear purpose of hunting were at work.
Now we know that it was not only birds they were hunting, but also tatu. This armadillo got away and escaped to the side lawn where we found it.
With the burial of the tatu in the garden that followed I let go of my over romantic view of Brasil. Until today I have wanted to see only the tropical paradise. With the death of the tatu on the lawn it was like a wake up call.
My telephone was stolen a week ago in Ipanema. We knew that the beach of Ipanema specifically and Rio de Janeiro in general is a picpocket Eldorado so we kept our phones, wallet and money in a what we thought a safe hidden place at all times...
Since my phone still was stolen, I guess not such a safe place...
The thing is that you can not stop thinking of how and when your phone was stolen since we never left our spot and as a safety precaution always went to swim one and one so that someone would always stay with our valuables.
As we leave Rio I try to get a new telephone sent from 3 First in Sweden, but we come to the conclusion after some research that phones like my iPhone XS seldom reach the correct destination even with company sent international mail services.
So that means no phone communication, no Mobile Bank ID, no camera, no VSCO photo app, No direct Blogger app and so on...There are so many activities that my phone helps me with that I do not think of anymore. Like telling the time. I do not wear a clock on my arm at all times because I have my phone.
Sadly the poverty in Brasil at Level 1 still exists (see all 4 levels in the book Factfulnessby Rosling) although rich in everything that counts high as country treasures the racial problems and social injustice in Brasil is so overwhelming that comparing it to United states in the 30´s and Harper Lee's How to kill a mocking bird ( -Right now playing at the Shubert Theatre on Broadway, NYC, NY ) that was published 1960 seems sadly adequate.
Sorry for not posting on Instagram and blog as much as normally. Since my phone was stolen and we have two more weeks (almost) before we are back in Stockholm I will not photograph and will report much less and use my time just experiencing. I will blog about it and also fill my Instagram and FB pages I promise. But right now I will read more in Factufullness by Rosling after my workday in front of the computer and then just take part of life here in the mountains between Rio and São Paulo at the Jordans.
Above you hear the remarkable cover of the song Forever young by Liniker. The numbers of murders of trans gender people in Brasil are so high on a everyday basis that if it was straight caucasian men being killed we would have had a media war of information. As it is now, no-one knows. See&hear the video above I beg you. Sadly we now know how to kill a tatu.