
Sitt stubbe

På Formex i Stockholm så visade vi för första gången en idé jag velat göra väldigt länge. Stubbar. Stubbar som sittbplats i Svensk trä, tillverkade i Sverige. Erik Hjärtfors,  tillverkare av våra möbler i Småland som blir utsatt för mina idéer och knäppa tankar om design, tar alltid emot mig väl men undrar väl ofta vad jag menar. Då jag alltid gillat det naturliga uttrycket och många gånger dragit in stockar och huggkubbar,  så tyckte jag det var tid för en stubbe som sittmöbel hos Jimmy Schönning HEM. Erik lade till den något skålade sittplatsen som är mysigt stjärtformad som gör att man sitter lite skönare. Dessa pallar är lönn som får en vacker melerad yta. Vi ska fota dem denna vecka så de kan komma in på webshopen. Vi sålde alla vi hade på mässan, så det tog slut snabbare än vad vi räknat med. KUL!

Ps Visst är bockbordet fint i vitt! Ds


Off the wall

www.permagnuspersson.com shot the picture

This is a picture from a larger styling job I did together with Helena Sandberg for  
Eco Boråstapeter some years ago. Great to see that good style survives.
All of this could work just aswell today in my opinion.
What do you think ?
Remember very well that this was the only wallpaper out of the many we worked with that I would cover my own walls with. 
Do you like it?
The conclusion for me  being : I do not tire of black&white. Just add a splash of color (that might change over time) and love is in the air for me. Considering the color anyway...

With this black&white homage with a purple twist I bid you a wonderful weekend :)



Vinn en mocka kudde


Tid att bjuda
Denna tid på året blir ibland lite seg och Jul&Nyår tycks långt borta. Då tycker jag man skall bjuda till lite extra. 

Vill du vinna en Jimmy Schönning HEM mocka kudde 40x40cm med med nummer ett på så läs vidare. 

Accessoarer som passar ihop
I kollektionen ingår löpare, plädar och kuddar i sammetslen mocka. Under det nystartade varumärket Jimmy Schönning HEM säljs även slitstarka trämöbler, keramik, handsmidet järn, vackert linne och unika tapeter, allt i samma stil och noga utvalt eller designat av Jimmy. 
Produkterna säljs i nätbutiken 


- Mockan har jag fått med modersmjölken. Mamma Marianne har designat mockakläder i 30 år och har också varit en viktig del i processen när jag utformat accessoarerna. 

Jag älskar materialet, inte bara för att det ger en lyxig känsla, utan också för att det är behagligt, mycket lättskött och tåligt. 

Nu till frågan som om du svarar rätt på kommer att ge dig en 40x40 grå premium kvalité mocka kudde från Jimmy Schönning HEM. 

Mocka heter SUEDE på engelska (La Suéde är Sverige på franska)  Varifrån tror man att detta ord kommit ifrån? Varifrån kommer det engelska ordet SUEDE ? 

Den som först svarar rätt på frågan vinner kudden. Den 29 Feb anonserar jag vinnaren.
 Den som först har givit rätt svar här på bloggen som kommentar och sänt in namn och adress till js@jimmyschonning.com vinner. 

May the best man or woman win!



Att minnas från Formex

Som vanligt så är det en utställning av Synnöve Mork som jag minns som det mest kreativa och inspirerande på Formex.

Då äpplet sällan faller långt från päronträdet så är jag inte alls förvånad att Linn Mork, Synnöves dotter har kommit med så snillrika och snygga sprattelgubbar eller ska man säga sprattelkräk ? Kolla in hennes Jumping Freaks. 


Jumping Freaks är en sådan galet bra och rolig present. Håller tummarna att de skall bli producerade bums, 
då jag själv vill köpa dem. Du köper arken och klipper ut och tillverkar de snygga spratteldockorna som blir som rörliga tavlor. 

Har själv jobbat med John Mork (Synnöves bror), då han producerade mina inslag för Äntligen Hemma och han saknar inte i kreativ känsla han heller. Det måste ligga i familjen. Ser fram emot vad denna familj skall berika världen med framöver. 

Mer Mork till folket :)




Hooked on a rack


 Ceiling lamp from danish Helgo that can change the angle of the light and be adjusted in height position.

Snillrika flyttbara krokar på träskena. 
Me like :) 

Movable hooks you can slide into position. Ohook from Helgo aswell. 

Seen at Formex Stockholm 2012


Suede easy chair

Suede pillows and throw 

Fåtölj skapad i 160 årigt timmer tillverkad av oerhört duktiga Erik/Lövsjö Loghouse för vår monter på Formexmässan.
Det är så fantastiskt att få önska sig möbler tillverkade i detta oerhört åldrade,vackra, återvunna trä och se dem matrialiseras.

Sprayade med hjälp av en laserskuren shablon dit Jimmy Schönning HEM på det svarta trägolvet.


Slowly and surely

Well we are getting there. Building Formex Fair in Stockholm. It opens tomorrow. 
Need to continue...
I love the wallpaper and Erik´s new built wodden easychair. Thank you Erik!
Check our Facebook page for more pic´s. 


Nr 1

Hem från resan och direkt in på Älvsjömässan. Bygger monter på Formex denna vecka och skall ha föredrag där torsd-lörd. Blir nog inte så mycket blogg denna vecka. Har varit så ledig så det är lätt att sätta igång med allt.  Mocka kuddarna ska få fina lådor som de skall ligga i. Får visa mer på FB vad som händer på mässan. Hela dagen har jag varit på mässan och nu är det dax för sängen.

Suede pillow 40x40cm

Mocka kudde 40x40cm


Heaven on my mind

Recoleta cemetary is where most of Argentinas presidents and powerful people were buried. The most famous in our time off course Evita (Maria Eva Duarte de)Perón. The cemetary is a beautiful sanctuary for the dead. This is clear. Just had a big problem with it being such a tourist attraction at the same time.

Everyone taking pitures of every sq meter, filming, chatting and eating ice cream. Wanted it to stay a sanctuary. So I took one picture and walked around in silence. 

If you go to Buenos Aires see the Recoleta cemetary in your own way.

Jardin Japones, Buenos Aires

I will let the pictures talk and only tell you that the Japanese Garden was like a meditation today. 

My head was spinning for some reason when I came in to the garden, and felt like it just went away when entering and after sitting down and looking at the beauty of the garden I felt rested and together. 

Have that ever happened to you ? 

Think I have to go to Japan soon. Been wanting to do that for a very long time. 

So wonderful to have new places to long for. New parts of the world to explore and learn about.


Weired, but felt proud and some kind of longing for home when I saw the movie poster plastered all over a building of the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo(Män  som hatar kvinnor)from the book of Stig Larsson. 
Have friends that worked with the movie and parts of it is shot in Stockholm. 

Guess its time to go home soon.... 


Dags att åka hem snart, då jag börjar få hemlängtan.



I recieved this amazing letter : 

Hi! my name is Cynthia and i´m a graphic designer from Argentina.

I´ve been following your blog for a while. I think I found it reading a deco blog in which your link was.

I´m glad to read that you are in my country! It´s really hot, how are you managing that?

I recomend you to visit Palermo neighborhood, you will find a lot of design stores in soho and hollywood.

Recoleta is another interesting neighborhood. You will find museums, the national library, big parks.

If you plan to visit other places from Argentina, not only Buenos Aires, there´s a huge range of landscapes to visit!. For me the south of the country is the best! Bariloche, El Bolsón, Mendoza. You will find lakes and mountains. Really relaxing!.

Well, it´s hard sometimes to recomend especifics places when there´s a big variaty of things to do. But at least I tried to "help" a little.

I hope you enjoy your stay here. Have fun and get a lot of pictures!


Cynthia Robledo
harapos decyng, géneros expresivos
My profiles:      

Graphic Design


Thank you Cyn!
I appreciate your welcome enormously!


Palermo plus

Palermo has lots of colorful shops in all meanings of the word.

Like old enamal signs. Gillar gamla emaljskyltar. Specically when the get a bit worn out. NOT when MADE to look old. Like that as much as I like NEW worn out jeans. 
Just feels fake and wrong.

Live in, furniture store on Costa Rica Rd. in Palermo
Love the entrance to this clothes store + they have very cool shoes!

The roses are from Parque 3 de Februar, that has a rose garden ( I beg your pardon...)



Not doing the bed perfectly sometimes looks really inviting.
Throw in suede with number THREE stiched in the left corner Jimmy Schönning HEM

Palermo, Buenos Aires

Restauranger,  barer och klädaffärer av alla de slag finns i Palermo. En fransos som bor här tyckte igår att Palermo kan jämföras med Tribeca i NYC, till viss del så består ju även Palermo av gamla garage&industrilokaler som gjorts om till diverse nytt, men det finns även en mängd vackra hus. Både renoverade och  de som som står och förfaller.

 Snygg interiör i en klädaffär.

Färgstark fasad. 

Vackert vilsam entré.

Har aldrig ätit så mycket goda persikor. Det ligger affärer för frukt&grönt på vart hörn.

Mamaracha är ett av favvofiken i Palermo.

Barer och restauranger med massor med inspirationsrik inredning gör  mig glad. 


Living in Palermo, Buenos Aires  is living next to wonderful restaurants, cafés and a lot of  trendy clothes&interior shops. 
We rent an apartment on Nicaragua and these are some of my favorite spots around Palermo, that is divided in Palermo-Viejo, Palermo-SoHo, Palermo-Hollywood.  


Woman´s Bridge over troubled water

Read more at Wikipedia that says :
The Puente de la Mujer (Spanish for "Woman's Bridge") is a footbridge in the Puerto Madero district of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It has a single mast with cables suspending a portion of the bridge which rotates 90 degrees in order to allow water traffic to pass. When it swings to allow watercraft passage the far end comes to a resting point on a stabilizing pylon.

It was designed by Santiago Calatrava and is similar to his Puente del Alamillo and Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay. Started in 1998, it was completed on December 20, 2001.

   Eduardo and me sitting on the bridge


-Eduardo is picking us up around 10 pm tonight to take us out for a ride in his car to the Porto Madera area (Buenos Aires), says Hamid to me, who due to the heat (it felt like +40 degrees today) is slouched on the sofa with a cool drink reading.

 -I don´t feel like going out again in this heat Hamid, I answer, it´s just to warm outside. 

Hamid left but came back with Eduoardo to convince me to come. Not wanting to disappoint my friends, I put my shoes on and got into the car. 

Eduardo who is a veterinarian came late due to a dog that had such bad reaction to the heat he feared for his life. 

-That´s totally how I felt today I gasped. I understand the dog!

There is still a lot of trafic around 10.30-ish pm but no major obsticles. Eduardo takes us down the Avenida 9 of Julio with it´s 9 lanes  and pass the Obelisco and we later arrive at Porto Madero district. 

We see the Calatrava bridge from a far and I instantly like it. It has such slim beautiful lines. Like a white arrow shot acros the river. 

Sitting down to have a cold beer by the Rio De la Plata river overlooking the bridge Eduardo explains.

-The same year the bridge was finished one day he was going to pay for his ticket to Costa Rica. At the bank he could not take money out. 

It was the day of The Corralito, which is the informal name for the economic measures taken in Argentina at the end of 2001. 

Eduoardo explains to me who look chocked that he like so many more never got all their own saved money back. The money in the bank saved to help his family and himself. Now over 10 years later he as well as Argentina is back up on his feet.

Off course I knew about this and I read and saw the news, but meeting Eduardo who was there and experienced it for real is another thing completely. 

What if it was me, my family and country this happened to?

Riding back in the car through the beauty of Buenos Aires in the warm night with the aircon on we sit silent. We thank Eduardo when he drops us off in Palermo on Nicaragua where we rent our apartment. Glad Hamid and Eduardo "forced" me out this evening and thankful that I learned, again, not to take anything for granted.   


PS. Calatrava is also the man behind Turning Torso in Malmö.DS 

The bridge gang :) Me, Eduardo&Hamid

Culpa mía (Concha Buika)



The cushions make the sofa. Pillows in suede in two sizes. 40x40cm & 60x60cm
Find then at Jimmy Schönning HEM online.

The simple things

If I lived here in Buenos Aires I would so have these kind of fruitcases at home as stylish storage in the kitchen.  

They are everywhere on the streets since they are used to transport fruit and veggies in, I guess if you asked you could buy one or thirteen...

My ALL TIME FAVORITE the chalkboard is used all over for displaying prices on the streets at food stores and dishes at restaurants. The chalkboard is for me a must at home. Have a need to scribble.The chalboard is perfect to help you remember. Love the white chalk against the black board. These are some of the plain and simple things I never grow tired of. 


San Telmo market

San Telmo is known for the Sunday market, it draws many people out of bed in Buenos Aires to find some antique object or just to look around and enjoy good food or a have a coffey at the cafe´s and restaurants.

The streets are packed with stands to display both arts&crafts and off course a lot of junk aswell. 

The antique shops are many 

San Telmo has many beautiful buildings that needs TLC. This one was calling me :) 

The siphons in blue and green glass seems like the mark of the San Telmo market and also appear in many of the photos that you can buy from photographers that sell their images here. 

This is so me. I found an Argentinian metal car plate from the 70´s. That´s the kind of thing that makes me happy to find at a market like this. It´s also very easy to pack. 
So happy to have a for me unique piece that will forever make me remember my time at the San Telmo market in Buenos Aires. A true souvenir. It will be a part the interiors of my new apt in town for sure. 

If you are going to BsAs feel free to email me your Q or just ask here. 