These are my favorite meals. Swedes can go on about inland sweet water crayfish, but in my mouth as crayfish there is only one, and that is from Kattegatt and cooked by mom&dad with just the right amount of salt, dill and precious minutes cooking, because this is team work and pretty least at this level of loving these tasty gormé seafood experience we are are talking many kilos at a time.
Picked up fresh from the the boat in the harbor of Träslövsläge
Marcello took this beautiful shot in the summer night.
I remember cleaning the grill and listing to the ocean that is always present here. The wind. Sun. Everything is more powerful here.
Mom´s beloved Mateus plates. They are perfect for crayfish. Love how mom&dad´s teak furniture is that grey shade you love and along with the stone flooring and my very first own design product for my own company. Suede pillows that I still love. |
My handsome "little" brother to the right and my man to the left. There are times when the Schönning BBQ is covered and that is when we eat Kattegatt crayfish. These are my favorite meals. Swedes can go on about inland sweet water crayfish, but in my mouth as crayfish there is only one and that is from Kattegatt and cooked by mom&dad because this is teamwork and pretty least at this level of loving these tasty gormé seafood experience.
Tyvärr så om vi inte ser över fiskeregler och lär mer om hur man undviker bottentrålning och utfiskning av våra hav så kan vi inte njuta dessa delikatesser. Vi måste vara bättre konsumenter.
Vi avgör allt med våra val.
That evening light. This built in sofa was such a great addition to this roomy outdoors. Supplied with several sizes and versions of pillows this is the coziest outdoor couch/sunbed ever.
Really like my pyjama looking very
fast drying
shorts/swimtrunks from Brazil.
Marianne & Lennart, my parents,
with Miss Morris outside the sauna.
Mom is a gardiner of the kind that you think that she teaches Gardening. This is the view from sitting on the cement and natural stone stairs leading up to the house. There on the right of the orange roof is Kattegat.
I mean that moment when she looks like she
is going to fall, right there,
on her head, on that hard tiled floor,
and you realize
that you will be responsible for killing your own niece!
Jimmy calm down,
this is so you 150 years ago.
This little cottage is a
zen place
for me.
Sometimes that means magic days and nights in perfect unison (almost)
and sometimes it can contain very painful realizations.
This is my parents house that they inherited it from my grandparents
that my parents have taken from being
a normal 50´s small plain vacation cottage to a
of the kind you see on tv and this infact has. My parents home&garden has been on tv aswell as in magazines.
My parents home is such a source of inspiration and complete creation that it does magic for everyones senses.
Family is not always what does magic for your senses though...
I love my mother&father but its not always
so easy to have a week with twentyfourseven with your parents ...
and then....add the "latest" brazilian boyfriend. Making fun of the fact that this not is my first relationship. Being over 50 and even though Marcello & my parents have met before it takes time for everyone to get to know eachother. My mom&dad celebrated 50 years married 2 summers ago & Marcello and I have been together a little over a year.
Yes I detest that word boyfriend because
at 50 I have no interest in boys.
I really love men.
Se almost my whole closest family in this post
Samtidigt på Södermalm i Stockholm mer
bestämt på Lundagatan 35 så kan du se
Kärleken Jessika Jarl
Stay in touch
I love this sea.