
N O R T H modern tendencies

Information -- welcome to Northmodern Interior FAIR, Copenhagen, Denmark

FELL for this brass table lamp from HK living .You like it ? 

Genbyg does wonders with what we discard. Do you see what this used to be ?

Love when the fair offers inspiration like this. Vertical plant wall in a new version. LOVE IT!!

I pod. U pod. We pod.... right ?

Munk collective - Trays of beauty. Trays of faded color. Trays I have developed a need of...FLIP shelves below from them as well.

Shelving in a whole new way. LIKE!

ONE LINE lighting in copper. So simple. So cool. Wire chairs with amazing leather work from Overgaard&Dyrman

Can you figure out what this is ? Whatever it is I like. Exhibited by Superobjekt Gallery

Ferm living

Ferm living goes GREEN with the hanging pots that I have predicted will be so 2015. The 70´s are here to stay!

Love these planting pots. Greens are what make a house LIVE. These pots from FERM LIVING makes me want to plant more!


L:A Bruket from wonderful VARBERG, Sweden ( my birth city) goes for candles and I am in awe! 
Go Go Go VARBERG!! Bra produkter som ser suveräna ut. TABAC ljuset är min favorit just nu.

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