To start the week off with good inspiration is a must. Written about dutch mag vt vonen before and I still would like to find it in Swedish or at least in English.
Just out of interest, if there would be a online english/swedish version of VT wonen would you be willing to pay and if yes how much?
I posted a photo of your blogpost (with credits) on Instagram for @vtwonen and got more comments from international bloggers that they would love an English version. Always interesting to know what amount would be acceptable.
Dear Jimmy,
SvaraRaderaJust out of interest, if there would be a online english/swedish version of VT wonen would you be willing to pay and if yes how much?
I posted a photo of your blogpost (with credits) on Instagram for @vtwonen and got more comments from international bloggers that they would love an English version. Always interesting to know what amount would be acceptable.
Kind regards,