Photos by Cecilia Näsström
The fact that this lovely small apt has a balcony makes it definitely feel much bigger.
The antique church face is my favorite. Its was quite a challenge to hang on the wall but not as crooked as the old beutiful double doors that frame the bedroom. All the floors are painted white. On 35 sqm it makes a big difference with white floors. It really makes the place feel roomier.
Studio style smartness
The 35 sqm got greally smartly planned when the kitchen was made in to a small bedroom with the change to double doors opening to the livingroom and the enlarged hallway becoming an open plan kitchen.
De 35 kvm blev riktigt välplanerade när köket istället blev ett sovrum (med fönster) med dubbeldörrar ut mot vardagsrummet och den förstorade hallen blev ett kök öppet mot vardagsrummet.
De 35 kvm blev riktigt välplanerade när köket istället blev ett sovrum (med fönster) med dubbeldörrar ut mot vardagsrummet och den förstorade hallen blev ett kök öppet mot vardagsrummet.
Kitchen in the hallway
We moved the kitchen into the (for the apt size oversized) hallway and made the kitchen space into a bedroom (see below)
A good size fridge and freezer makes for a real kitchen.
A new tap capturing the right decade was put in+a white porcelain sink.
Daniel Steenberg was the wood magician who made it all possible. Some call him carpenter :)
Kept the gas stove. Went for a new kitchen fan. Love the towel from H&M Home.
The white classic tiles are set behind the wallmounted cabinets aswell,
so you see them as you open the doors.
Recykling the best cabinets and doors and drawers from the thirties and combining them with new wooden parts created the new kitchen "Old Style"
A good size fridge and freezer makes for a real kitchen.
A new tap capturing the right decade was put in+a white porcelain sink.
Daniel Steenberg was the wood magician who made it all possible. Some call him carpenter :)
Kept the gas stove. Went for a new kitchen fan. Love the towel from H&M Home.
The white classic tiles are set behind the wallmounted cabinets aswell,
so you see them as you open the doors.
Recykling the best cabinets and doors and drawers from the thirties and combining them with new wooden parts created the new kitchen "Old Style"
Bedroom in the kitchen
Photo by Cecilia Näsström
Linen sheets from Jimmy Schönning HEM and my favorite Au Maison pillow with numbers along with linen pillows and my IKEA carpet turned pillow in a map pattern ( made many years ago - still loved by me ;)
Photo by Cecilia Näsström
The top left kitchen cabinets were left to make smart bedroom storage and also to hide the gasmeter.Two open shelves were built to make it complete. The floor was relieved from its plastic carpet and the plain wooden floor found underneath was painted white.
Loving my simpel solution to lighting which I used all thru the apt, a black textile cord holding a porcelain lamp cap with a large bulb. Simple is beautiful. Less will always be more after all.
A bed with storage was built with wood and Ikea kitchen cabinets under the bed along with a wooden headboard with a built in shelf.
The 35 sq m 1 room apt was first stripped of the kitchen which we saved and moved to the "big" hallway.
Linen sheets from Jimmy Schönning HEM and my favorite Au Maison pillow with numbers along with linen pillows and my IKEA carpet turned pillow in a map pattern ( made many years ago - still loved by me ;)
Photo by Cecilia Näsström
The top left kitchen cabinets were left to make smart bedroom storage and also to hide the gasmeter.Two open shelves were built to make it complete. The floor was relieved from its plastic carpet and the plain wooden floor found underneath was painted white.
Loving my simpel solution to lighting which I used all thru the apt, a black textile cord holding a porcelain lamp cap with a large bulb. Simple is beautiful. Less will always be more after all.
A bed with storage was built with wood and Ikea kitchen cabinets under the bed along with a wooden headboard with a built in shelf.
The 35 sq m 1 room apt was first stripped of the kitchen which we saved and moved to the "big" hallway.
Art, or ?
Veranda wish
Drömverandan sträcker sig runt hela huset och ger uteplatser för sol&njutning i alla tänkbara vinklar. Den nuvarande altanen är märkt : Befintlig veranda
This is how I would dream of making the veranda/terrace and entrance of the house.
A wraparound version that gives the house a wooden floor frame. The old veranda is marked : Befintlig veranda. This is definitely a house to enjoy the summer in so the more outdoor space to enjoy close to the house the better. Love the idea of being able to walk around the house in your slippers in the morning and find the best place to sit that day. What do you think ?
Uttran by night
Appleblossom time
Wishful thinking
Vad jag skulle vilja ha runt huset om jag fick önska mig vad jag ville så skulle det vara en övervuxen stengärdsgård som denna full med mossa och bräken och något fallen.
This kind of stone fence is what I wish could surround the house. Old and beautifully overgrown would be exactly how I would love it . That´s wishful thinking for our garden.
This kind of stone fence is what I wish could surround the house. Old and beautifully overgrown would be exactly how I would love it . That´s wishful thinking for our garden.
Jimmy wants
But ...Jimmy does not get everything. Saw this beautful pot&plant at
Zetas and could not afford it. Loving it though :)
Tja...allt man önskar sig kan man ju inte få. Hade helt enkelt inte råd med tallen i stenkrukan jag blev kär i på Zetas. Vilket underbart ställe Zetas är!!
Me like :)
Zetas and could not afford it. Loving it though :)
Tja...allt man önskar sig kan man ju inte få. Hade helt enkelt inte råd med tallen i stenkrukan jag blev kär i på Zetas. Vilket underbart ställe Zetas är!!
Me like :)
Gren,gray and some black
Cherrytree in bloom
The terrace really comes alive when the cherry tree blooms.
The new toy for all kids that come over ( old and young ) is the "chair" Spun you see in the background. I sincerely recommend it as a conversation piece.
Altanen blir extra vacker när körsbärsträdet blommar.
Nya leksaken för barnen ( unga och gamla) som kommer hit är "stolen" Spun som ni ser i bakgrunden. Rekommenderar den som ett samtalsämne. Alla har något att säga om den. Speciellt de som suttit i den...
Björkgrenarna i taket är lövkronan på verket!
Har sedan vi flyttade hit till huset vid Uttran önskat hänga en stor vacker björkgren över köksbordet att behänga med ömsom levande ljus ömsom dekorationer och även ljus slingor av olika slag. Nu är den på plats!
Takgrenen är sammansatt av ett flertal grenar och har fått en fot för stöd i taket tillverkad av en halverad stam. Det är Erik på Lövsjö Loghouse som har tillverkat takgrenen som ställde ut tillsammans med mig på Äntligen Hemma mässan. Det är hans motorsåg och kunniga händer som har materialiserat min idé.
At last the birch branches are mounted over the kitchen table. Been wanting to do this for the longest time but never managed. Now I had professional help from Erik at Lövsjö Loghouse and therefore could manage to materialize this dream.
It will hold both candels and electric lights as well as seasonal decorations.
I´m a happy birch owner today!
Everyday details
Vår i snön...
Vaknade till snö över hela tomten...
Skulle inte sånt här väder tillhöra April ? Glad att min Käresta tog in vitsippor och satte dem i vasen som jag hittade på Rossana Orlandi förra året som består av en mängd gummirör fastsatta bredvid varandra. Om våren inte känns ute skall den blomma inne åtminstone.
Tapet uppe
Tapeten är uppe och gäst toan börjar bli klar. Härligt att ha en så stor bild på den lilla ytan. Behöll toaletten som fanns i huset, då den var nyinköpt av den gamle ägaren och jag inte kunde motivera att köpa en ny. Stengolvet är jag så nöjd med. Nu när tapeten är uppe är det bara belysning och förvaringen som saknas. Lyktan som står på golvet är en favorit jag haft länge och som tänds för extra mys.